The Haunts of Robin Hood (2)

Robinhood Village, Rothwell (Map ref sheet SE32NW 326274) was, before 1860, a cluster of buildings surrounding a colliery, quarry and bridge. According to legend Robin Hood of Wakefield and a gang of poachers used to meet at a lonely well on the moor of Rothwell Hay. A well bearing the inscription "Robin Hood" was found by stone quarriers in 1842, but it is now buried in the disused quarry. A local legend says that Robin was a butcher of Wakefield and that one night Robin and his friends met near the royal hunting park of Rothwell Hay. They were captured and later joined the army of Thomas of Lancaster against Edward II, becoming outlaws after the earl's defeat at Boroughbridge in 1322.

Robin Hood's Cave

Fountains Abbey near Ripon, has a well and wood connected with Robin's meeting with the Curtall Friar.

Robin Hood's House and Hill, Berry Brow, Huddersfield (Map ref SE01111 139137) has long been the site for a house named after Robin Hood on the lower slopes of the prehistoric mound of Castle Hill.

Robin Hood's Tower, York (Map ref sheet 1056 02524) is on the city walls between Bootham and Monk Bar.

Scarborough is mentioned in a ballad, the Noble Fisherman, and tells how Robin went to sea under the alias Simon. Robin proves a very incompetent sailor, but redeems himself when his skill with the long bow saves himself and the crew from capture by French pirates. He hauls in a reward of twelve thousand pounds which he, shares all round. Robin will have been aware of the grim Norman keep above the little harbour town, where Piers Gaveston, King Edward II's favourite, sought sanctuary before he was captured and executed by the English barons.

Whitby 'Tradition informs us that in one of Robin Hood's peregrinations, he, attended by his trusty mate, Little John, went to dine at Whitby Abbey with the abbot Richard, who, having heard them often famed for their great dexterity in shooting with the longbow, begged them after dinner to show him a specimen thereof; when, to oblige the abbot, they went to the top of the abbey, whence each of them shot an arrow, which fell not far from Whitby-laths, but on the contrary side of the lane: and in memorial thereof, a pillar was set up by the abbot in the place where each of the arrows was found, which are yet still standing in these our days; that field where the pillar for Robin Hood's arrow stands still being called Robin Hood's field, and the other where the pillar for Little John's arrow is placed, still preserving the name of John's field. Their distance from Whitby Abbey is more than a measured mile, which seems very far for the flight of an arrow, and in circumstance that will stagger the faith of many'.

Master Charlton, History of Whitby (P. 146)