legend of Robin Hood has been questioned and debated
for many years by historians
and Robin Hood experts. The fallacy that
the haunts of Robin Hood are all in Nottinghamshire has
been constantly debated to the detriment of Robin's Yorkshire
connections. Most Robin Hood historians now recognise
that Robin may well have been a Yorkshireman who
was born in Wakefield,lived in Barnsdale Forest
and died at Kirklees Priory where his grave is in a derelict and completely overgrown condition.
The ruined priory gatehouse, where he was gruesomely murdered
by the wicked prioress,is still in existence also,
but unfortunately both sites are on private land and access
almost impossible,other than by trespassing ,while any
proposals regarding
restoration of these unique monuments have
come to nothing.
good news is that access to Robin's Grave at Kirklees
has improved--for details contact Hebden Bridge Tourist
Centre. Also Barbara's books SECRETS OF THE GRAVE and
SPIRIT OF THE GREENWOOD are both published and on sale
- see end of the website for details. The video ROBIN
HOOD AND THE HOLY GRAIL is nearing completion and Barbara
also featured in Making Time TV'S Scream Team programme
on Kirklees and the Death of Robin Hood. Barbara was also
invited to take part in Bradford Univesity's Robin Hood
of Yorkshire programme but this project seems to have
ended up on the cutting room floor!
On the darker side there is the shocking news that Kirklees
Priory Gatehouse where Robin was murdered by the prioress,is
likely to end up as a holiday flat!!! Also Barbara has
had a great deal of harassment from certain not so merry
men ( and women) in tights and the work of the Yorkshire
Robin Hood Society has been described as mumbo jumbo!
However, on a happier note there has been many sane, scholarly
and super people, both on the web and in person, who have
supported the society 's work and kept our spirits up
The inspiring legend of bold Robin Hood shines through
all this modern day feudery and flummery ,and thoughts
of Robins battles between dastardly knaves and knights
in shining armour have spurred us on to overcome our trials
and continue with our quest for the truth.Robin, we are
certain, is with us in spirit and to him we doff our caps
as we continue on our quest.
Yorkshire Robin Hood Society December 2002

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